Monday, October 15, 2007

Lots o'knitting

Franklin is sitting on my lap helping me write this. Or stalking the cursor. Choose your story.

I started the Sunrise Circle Jacket by Kate Gilbert (love her stuff!!) while on our honeymoon. I figured I'd have time sitting in the north woods of Maine to work those crazy line by line increases. Stupidly I started with the back and only got that one piece done while actually on the honeymoon. I am now working on my first sleeve, and have just this evening gotten to the part where the increases start to make that gorgeous circle. That's right, I made it to the armpit.

In other news, my wrists hurt and the heat is not on. Which means I need to learn continental so I can switch up my techniques and give my wrists a break, and check in with my landlady again. After I fill up my hot water bottle.


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