Monday, January 16, 2006

Cold sun, warm apartment

So I'm sitting inside on a gorgeous sunny day...because I believe it's too cold to go outside. Allegedly, it's 19 degrees but feels like 3. Which is an improvement from around 10 when it was 12 feels like -4. Ugh. I had some walking errands to do, and some vitamin D to synthesize, but I'm just going to have to put that off for another day or so, or until the wind dies down. I could handle not going out at all today!

This morning I unravelled a sweater. Really I should have taken a picture of it before I started, but I didn't. It now consists of five large and five small balls of yarn on my table. Previously it was an off-white cabled extra large men's Ralph Lauren Polo sweater circa 1985, probably in good taste at the time and a fairly classic style, but waaaay to heavy as it is 85% cotton, 15% linen. Maybe extra large men are stronger than I when holding up their own sweaters. So it was given to Matt, who doesn't wear sweaters, and then passed along to Jim, who doesn't wear sweaters that are that busy, and it was destined for Goodwill when I realized that now is as good a time as any to unravel a sweater and see how fun that really is. Pretty fun, and it took me about 2 hours, which is twice as long as I'd anticipated. I'm not sure what it will become, although probably at least one fun wash- or dish-cloth will come out of it. Also, I'm envisioning a cabled purse of some sort. I'll check through my books for cotton patterns I've been putting off - it's usually not my fiber of choice. I prefer wool and All-Bran, in that order.

Speaking of wool, I started a new scarf with my Schoeller+Stahl Limbo Color that I've been saving for a good pattern. I'm making a farrow rib scarf that I can do while reading or watching movies, and it's coming out beautifully!!!! Which means it's just about time to figure out Flickr and start posting photos of my stuff. I'm sure you'd like to see the great stuff I've got on the needles, as well as the large quantities of cotton/linen recovered yarn!


At 5:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hola chica! I found you! You definitely should post some photos of your knit creations. I'm curious to see what you'll make from your new stash of off-white yarn.

At 6:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your knitting is the shit. I haven't had to use my mittens yet because it's summer here, but as soon as it gets chilly those puppies are ON!


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