Friday, September 12, 2003

Sad Day In Music History (what else is new?)

Today was a sad day indeed. I was saddened to hear of Johnny Cash and John Ritter's deaths, albeit for different reasons; Johnny Cash because he was such an important part of music history and follows the tragic losses of George Harrison and Warren Zevon, and John Ritter because he was so young and had families.

In other news, Lisa thinks that Jim and I are fun people and enjoys going out with us. Now, I know we are fun people, but it's nice to have my narcissism confirmed. Tomorrow Jim and Lisa and I are going to the Red Hook Brewery Music Festival, which promises to be a good time. I've seen Keller Williams, The Samples, and Percy Hill before, and look forward to seeing the Aaron Katz Band. Crazy Maggie I've never heard of, but they can't be that bad in such good company.

Ate subs for dinner. It's nice to make a meal with nearly no cleanup. The only thing that really requires washing is the pan I made bacon in (set the smoke alarm off twice but it's the best bacon I've ever made) (Jim likes clubs), and it doesn't really require that much washing because we're just going to use it again tomorrow morning for a nice greasy eggs and bacon brunch. Just so my arteries don't harden entirely, I have 6 kiwis waiting for consumption. Which, I assure you, will not happen instantaneously or even all in one day. I have tried such follies before and have paid the price. With a bloody tongue.

I heard "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" by Gordon Lightfoot today on the radio, and it made me cry. It also made me laugh because I've recently watched High Fidelity.

I've been trying to make my website for my upcoming trip (barely more than a month until I leave) to Antarctica. Barely any luck. I just keep reading other people's websites and wasting time.


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